When you are feeling broken, the last thing you are thinking of is looking after yourself. COVID has given us all a little taste of what it's like to be homebound without social interaction out of our own household. When you are feeling lost and so deep in grief and sadness, that feeling is multiplied exponentially.
When I've come home from the hospital after chemotherapy, all I want to do is curl up in a cocoon and hide from the world. Self-care is the last thing on my mind.
So how do we get out of that place? What things helped you move forward?
Sometimes just having a long bath can be restorative. For me, I found that lighting candles made me feel a whole lot better. I don't know why, maybe it was the aromatic scent, maybe it was the flame, but even now, I always feel uplifted when I light a candle.
If you've found something that works for you, please share in the comments.